Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

where G, 
(Thus, E 
worthy to 
when only 
K, and W correspond to the equation or equations to be deleted. 
= - M _1 Q represents the modified solution of 4.29.) It is note 
mention that the quantity - GN“ 1 G t ) reduces to a scalar 
one equation is being deleted. This fact points out the real 
of equation 4.30 when it is applied in a cyclic manner. 
4.3 Sub-Block Assembly 
At the end of the step of sub-block relative orientation, each 
sub-block constitutes a unit which may be thought of as a large photograph. 
All points within a sub-block are referred to a local coordinate system 
with an origin at the exposure station of its central photograph. It is the 
purpose of this step to assemble all the sub-blocks by bringing them 
approximately to one general coordinate system. This general system may be 
the final ground system (if there is enough control to allow the transfor 
mation of at least one sub-block) or any other arbitrary system. 
The kind of transformation suitable for this operation is the 
linear three-dimensional formula given by: 
... . 4.32 
in which: 
[X Y Z]* 
the coordinates of a point, i, that is common to the 
two systems, in the general coordinate system 
a, b, 
[x y 
[c x c 
change of scale for the sub-block under consideration 
the elements of the transformation matrix representing 
three rotations a, 6, y of the sub-block in question 
the coordinates of point i in the sub-block system 
the vector of three translations of the sub-block 
considered in the transformation

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