Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

The equations corresponding to (5) for 4 courses are equations (7). For other 
number nmber of course also is done similarly. 
In above case, it should be preleminary scaled the strip coordinates of the 
second, third, etc. courses to the first. In the unrelated courses zeros are used 
for the coordinates of control and tie point. 
We used some techniques on the way programming for 4 course in order to 
limit the number of unknowns to 13. 
If memory capacity of electronic computer permits, it is convenient for the 
calculation works, to vary the scale per course or add r term and constants of X, 
Z equations for increase the freedom. 
(■- Xi+X 2 - X 3 +X 4 )S x +R\(Ax i) - y'lV^AK i)+zWiiZffri) - R\(Ax 2 )+yMA^) 
- z 2 r 2 (A<f> 2 ) + Rl(Ax 8 ) - y'3rz(Zfc 3 )+z' 3 r 3 (Z<l)s) - R\(Ax 4 ) + y\r 4 (Z.1k 4 ) - z 4 r 4 (A(j) 4 ) 
= (—x 1 +x 2 —x 3 +x 4 ) 
(—Y 1 +Y 2 —Y 3 + Y 4 )S y +R\(Ay 4 ) + r 4 (Ay\) + (Ay") - R\(Ay 2 ) - r 2 (Ay 2 ) - (Ay 2 ) 
+Ri(Ay 3 ) + r 3 (Ay's) + (Ay's) - R 4 (Ay 4 ) - r 4 (Ay' 4 ) - (Ay'l) = (■- y 4 + y 2 - y 3 +y 4 ) 
/S A 
+ z' 1 r 1 (Ao> 1 )—z' 2 r 2 (A(o 2 ) + z' 3 rs(Aa)s) — z 4 (A(» 4 ) 
(—Z 4 + Z 2 —Z 3 Z 4 )S z R\(Az 4 ) d - v i (Azi) Yyi'f’i (Acoi) R 2 (Az 2 ) 'r 2 (Az 2 ) 
—yzr 2 (Aio 2 ) + Rl(Azs) + rs(Az's)+y'sTs(Aa)s)—R\(Az 4 ) — r 4 (Az\) — y' 4 r 4 (Aco 4 ) 
= (-Zi+z 2 -z 3 +z 4 ) (?) 
Table I Distribution of points 
A A 
005-P3 I 
A A 
007-PZ 059-HO 
A Control point used for computation 
▲ Control point used for checking 
• Tie point used for computation

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