The above method of measurement provides independent values of tip and tilt for
each vertical photograph. Consequently, summation of errors in ^ and to is
As the forward and aft horizon photographs record the same segment
of their respective horizons when on the same flight line, it is possible to
choose a reference picture for the determination of ^ at intervals of 20 to 25
pictures. For the determination of W , it is advisable to choose reference
pictures at 8- to 10-picture intervals because the viewing angle of the camera
is only 39°. We have successfully measured differential tip and tilt and
) using photographs of different flight lines flown on the same day.
The determination of the differential tip and tilt for horizon
photos of an average quality can be repeated with a precision of il c .
2.4 Determination of Absolute and
To determine the absolute values for tip and tilt, it is desirable
that at least one stereo model in each flight line be leveled on ground control
points or on water bodies. The minimum ground control requirement is that at
least one stereo model in a group of flight lines flown on the same day be fully
controlled in elevation. After this stereo model is carefully leveled, the tip
and tilt of each photograph making up this stereo model is determined in the
plotting instrument.
The absolute values of tip and tilt for each successive photograph
are determined by adding to the absolute 4* and Cc? Q f the controlled photo
graph, the differences in ^ and ^ computed from horizon photos for each
vertical photograph of a flight line. In order to check the determination of
the absolute tip and tilt, we also provide vertical control for the last stereo
model of each flight line. The results are considered to be correct if a
closure is obtained with an accuracy equivalent to that of the relative orienta
tion, usually t2 C to ^3°.
The values of ^ and determined by the above described methods
must be corrected for the influence of earth curvature before they can be used
in a plotting instrument.