Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

Doppler Navigator 
guides the aircraft on a predetermined course, 
determines distance between each exposure station, 
and yields data necessary for computation of the 
slope of the isobaric surface. 
Statoscope determines the difference in elevation of each 
exposure station relative to an isobaric surface. 
The most valuable for aerial triangulation is the horizon camera 
because it provides tip and tilt information with a high degree of accuracy. 
Introduction of the independent and OJ data in the aerial triangulation 
procedure eliminates the double summation of errors present in aerial triangula 
tion without the use of such auxiliary data. 
Integration of the data from these auxiliary instruments into a 
single mapping system suggests new approaches to the problem of extending control 
by photogrammetric methods. Independent stereo pairs of different flight lines 
can be combined into one block. It is possible to bridge entire areas rather 
than strips. This approach permits greater flexibility in the planning of flight 
lines, in the selection of the method of bridging, in the location of ground 
control, and in the choice of photogrammetric instruments for triangulation. 
4.2 Instruments for Aerial Triangulation 
The aerial triangulation methods based on the transferring of the 
elements of absolute orientation from one stereo model to the next by means of 
instrumental procedures or analytical methods necessitate the use of expensive 
first-order plotting instruments or comparators. When the orientation elements 
of the aerial camera are determined from auxiliary instruments, simple photo 
grammetric plotting instruments such as the Wild B-8 Autograph can be used for 
aerial triangulation. The important requirement such a plotter must fulfill is 
that it be stable and be equipped for accurate introduction of '‘P and CaJ on 
the left and right plate holders. We have used the Wild B-8 very successfully 
for aerial triangulation in conjunction with vertical super-wide angle photo 
graphy obtained with the Wild RC-9 camera.

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