Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

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horizon camera are introduced on the left and right plate holders. The next 
step is to remove the remaining y-parallax with b z . This procedure is 
repeated until the parallaxes effected by <K , by, and b z are removed. 
Normally, there would not be any residual y-parallaxes in the stereo model due 
to ^ and UJ , and the elements derived from the horizon camera need not be 
corrected. However, if there were residual y-parallaxes present, they must be 
removed with either ^ or lb ; then the average for ^ and CO for each 
camera is introduced, similar to the procedure outlined for the B-8 plotter. 
4.3.3 Horizon Camera Data Combined with Statoscope and Doppler Data 
When, in addition to the horizon camera, statoscope data is avail 
able, then the general (p or the b z component can be computed from this data 
and introduced directly into the plotter. Our experience showed that the 
determination of general § or b z , using the procedure described in paragraphs 
4.3.1 and 4.3.2, is more accurate than the b z indicated by the statoscope. 
Barometric surface 
Fig. 14 
However, the statoscope data combined with the data derived from 
the horizon photos and the Doppler navigator make possible a method of bridging 
which permits the plotting of any model within a strip, without the necessity of 
triangulating all stereo models in the strip. Fig. 14 shows the principle of 
this method. Assuming that in one stereo model of a strip, the flying height 
above a vertical datum can be determined, then, using the statoscope data, it is

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