Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

“In this territory, some operations necessary to the preparation of the 1:25.000 
scale map were carried out, and thus a thick network of triangulated points, all already 
identified on photographs, are available. 
“The French I.G.N. declared, besides, to be ready to carry out flights on this 
polygon with the equipments wanted by and in accordance to the manners demanded 
by the different participants. 
“The group of potential participants to these researches immediately apparent, 
both through the Commission III Presidency and direct contact got into touch with 
the I.G.N. to fix up precise agreements for flights. 
“Besides the French I.G.N. Centre, two other Centres asked for particular flights 
characteristics, namely: the Swiss Centres directed by prof. Zeller, wanting to effect 
flights with a Wild RC7 camera, overlap of 65% and the Centre of Western Germany 
asking to use a RMK 15-23 Zeiss camera”. 
The topographic characteristics peculiar of “Massif Central” polygon and the 
operations executed over it by the I.G.N. of Paris, to make it suitable to the aim, 
will be described in chapter II, drawn up by the I.G.N. itself. 
In chapter III, also drawn up by the I.G.N. the preparatory and flight operations 
and the characteristics of the photographical material obtained in this way will be 
On the grounds of what enumerated in the introductory paragraph and of the 
purposes declared in the rules issued and approved in the Summer of 1958, the General 
Report on the work of the Group assumes a particular importance, we are all aware of. 
In fact, only through this conclusive General Report the users of the method of 
the blocks for small scales will be able to know in detail the different proceedings. 
Therefore, the Report must contain all the scientific, technical and economic 
news that will direct the readers’ judgement and future users’ choice. 
Without a detailed and complete report, the powerful effort made by all the parti 
cipant Centres, would be wasted and useless. The effort made in these years by the 
Presidency always had the aim to obtain from the Centres the greatest lot of informat 
ion and coordinate this information to make it useful in practice. 
On the other hand, one more engagement inspired our work in this sense: we 
wanted to be sure that in the final Report nothing should appear that might let 
somebody suppose a character of competition in the execution of the work of the 
Centres. In fact, we are convinced that the more complete, wide, objective and uni 
formly presented the documentation contained in the Report is, the more it will be 
possible to avoid this dangerous and wrong interpretation of the work we executed. 
Furthermore, always in view of correctly understand the completed work, it is impor 
tant to make clear also the position and the responsibility of the Group Presidency, 
concerning the guaranties on the reliability of the results obtained by the different 
As it clearly appeared from all the contacts occurred with the different centres, 
the Presidency of the Working Group has always had a full and absolute confidence 
in the honest, objective and scientific collaboration of the Centres and has always 
felt sure that no mean party interest or chauvinistic spirit has ever made the particip- 

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