Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

In order to fulfil the Laws No. 12.696 and 16.828, respecively 
“Mapping Law” and “Photographic Covering”, the Military Geo 
graphic Institute performs the geodetic and topographic surveying 
of the Argentine territory. 
To carry out these subjects the Institute makes rationally 
and intensively use of the photogrammetry as a prime element 
in its topo-cartographic works, using, preferably, on relatively 
flat areas the combined method and other one absolutely photo- 
grammetric for mountainous or relatively rolling areas. 
As it was a folkway since its creation, the Military Geographic 
Institute during this period has continued with a rule equipping 
itself with modern instruments which, through their use in the 
most important specialized organizations around the world, are 
guaranted in quality and efficiency. 
For that purpose during this period it bought, an electronic 
stereocomparator to carry out analitical aerotriangulations, two 
stereoplotters, an electronic rectifier and one super-wide angle 
aerial survey camera. 
A couple of high operational ceiling aircraft and six electronic 
équipements for indirect measurement of ranges, have also been 
Besides the specific works on topographic mapping, it contri 
butes with, the Army Comand-in-Chief and several national, pro 
vincial and municipal domestic organizations. 
To conclude have been summarized, up to the present, the 
different tasks accomplished since the Tenth International Con 
gress of Photogrammetry. 
Buenos Aires, july 1968. 
Brigadier General 
Military Geographic Institute

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