Air photography:
Total since
Large scale :
Medium scale:
Small scale :
15.600 Sq. Kms
98.200 Sq. Kms
145.500 Sq. Kms
27.220 Sq. Kms
396.000 Sq. Kms
366.300 Sq. Kms
The Companys
film library comprice 574.346 negatives.
Photographic mosaics prodused
Total since
Large scale:
Medium scale:
Small scale:
240 Sq. Kms
4.749 Sq. Kms
100.008 Sq. Kms
8.970 Sq. Kms
71.081 Sq. Kms
183.690 Sq. Kms
Maps produced:
Large scale :
Medium scale:
Small scale :
820 Sq. Kms 2
8.100 Sq. Kms 2
11.600 Sq. Km 2 s
2.169 Sq. Kms 2
23.371 Sq. Kms 2
24.201 Sq. Kms 2
Wider0e Surveys has now started a branch for regional
planning, and is extending its laboratories with a new build
ing with a floor area of 4 300 Sq. Meters.
Amundsen, O.: Photos and maps. 1 Skogbruksboka III (Book of forestry),
— Determination of the stand volume from aerial photographs. 1 Reports
from Institute of Inventory, NLH, No. 1, 1965.
— Photogrammetry in forestry. 1 Textbook. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1967.
Halsen, G. : Photogrammetry and Road planning. 1 Norwegian Journal of
Land consoldation — Land use planning-Surveying (NTJL) No. 2,
Holsen, J. : The absolute orientation of approximate vertical aerial photo
graphy. 1 Compendium, Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry,
NTH, Trondheim, 1964.
— Aerial Triangulation in Space. 1 Compendium, Institute of Geodesy
and Photogrammetry, NTH, Trondheim. 1965.