Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

Särtryck ur Svensk Lantmäteritidskrift nr 2 1968. 
National Report to the XI th International 
Lausanne, July, 1968 
Reported by E. Rehnlund 
During the last four years, photogrammetry in Sweden has continued 
making rapid headway as regards research and development as well as 
practical application. 
The basic research has first and foremost been carried out at the Royal 
Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The research work has to a great 
extent been pursued at the request of the ISP or in agreement with 
recommendations given in resolutions from the ISP. Thus investigations 
have been made for the solving of the fundamental problems of photo 
grammetry and much energy has been devoted to quality and tolerance 
tests of material, instruments, and operators. For the rest, the research 
activity at the Institute of Technology has mainly been devoted to pro 
blems suitable for special photogrammetry. In 1964 a section for medical 
photogrammetry was established. 
Other kinds of photogrammetric development activity have been 
carried on at numerous different institutes, departments, and concerns. 
Characteristic has been on one hand a strong endeavour to rationalize and 
automatize the working processes, on the other hand the more and more 
extended use of photogrammetric methods in planning and building. 
In order to rationalize the production of the economic map the 
Geographical Survey Office of Sweden has procured a Gigas-Zeiss 
Orto Projector. The equipment has gone through a series of tests and is 
at present being used in production. 

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