For about ten years now, photogrammetry and data technique have
been excellent devices when planning roads and hydro-electric power
plants in Sweden. The good experiences gained from these spheres have
been applied to other parts of community building. Of special interest is
the work that has been devoted to the development of digital terrain
models. During the last two years a few systems of this kind have appear
ed which have been used with great success in the planning of roads
and of residential and industrial areas. In this, photogrammetric methods
play a big part, partly when judging the nature of the ground (geological
photointerpretation), partly in the gathering of terrain data.
In order to improve the quality of picture interpretation, both ordinary
colour film and spectrozonal film have been used during this period.
As regards mapping within towns and large communities, it may be
noted that the intense urbanization has been accompanied by an
increased need of large-scale maps. Thanks, among other things, to the
improved quality of the film material (estar base), photogrammetric
mapping in the scales 1:400 and 1:500 has given fully satisfactory
results for the purpose.
The production is mainly engaged in the preparation of official
maps i. e. topographical maps in the scales 1: 50,000 and 1: 100,000 and
the economic map in the scales 1: 10,000 and 1:20,000, and in mapping,
measuring and the production of photogrammetric material for various
purposes within the process of community building. There is also
a large production of pictures for forestry purposes.
The official maps are produced by the Geographical Survey Office,
which also carries out all aerial photography for measuring and mapping
purposes within the country. Thus the production of aerial photogram
metric material takes place centrally and the material is thus accessible
to all the consumers. The rest of the production takes place within nu
merous State departments and concerns as well as in private firms. The
principal producers are listed in Appendix 1.
The object of the production is mainly to satisfy Swedish demands.