Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

transfer function method of assessing image quality of lenses 
and other optical systems, its advantages and limitations• 
(b) undertake an investigation, both practical and theoretical, on 
the accuracy achievable with different types of test eouipraent 
for measuring o. t,f, and to specify the requirements to be met 
by test equipment; 
(c) ensure standardisation of o.t, f, measurement in different 
laboratories by exchange of lenses, test results, etc; 
(d) prepare a draft standard on the use of o. t, f, in the calibration 
of cameras. This draft is to be available in time for considera 
tion at the 1968 Lausanne Congress* 
(e) evaluate results of o. t. f, measurements on typical photogrammetric 
camera lenses and to determine criteria for o, t. f. for camera 
lenses, as a guide to lens designers; 
(f) consider the application of o,t,f, techniques both theoretically 
and practically to other components than lenses, i,e. to photographic 
emulsions, filters, windows, etc. By revealing areas for research, 
the V/orking Group should encourage work to be undertaken, and where 
practicable arrange for such work to be carried out by its members. 
5. workina; G-roup on Image Location 
The Chairman of this Forking Group is Prof. B. Ilallert. The Terms of 
Reference given to it were:- 
(a) evaluate existing evidence on the geometric performance of 
photogrammetric photographs and their copies; 
(b) institute programmes of work both theoretical and practical, where 
the evaluation reveals that information on geometric, performance 
is lacking; 
(c) establish tolerances for geometric performance of photogrammetric 
systems and their components and to draft specifications as a 
guide to equipment designers and users; 
(d) determine the required accuracy for basic test measuring procedures 
used in research on image location problems and to report these to 
interested research workers; 
(e) consider the best method of recording and reporting geometric per 
formance of photogrammetric systems, including the use of 
statistical evaluation of the numerical data, and to make recommenda 
tions for implementation in a new standard or an amendment to the 
Camera Calibration Standard; 
w co-operate with Commission II on fundamental geometric problems and 
co-ordinate activities wherever possible. 

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