Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

I.lr, J t 1,1. T. Clark, Royal Aircraft Establishment, U. K. described 
a new method of holding film flat at -the moment of exposure. Investigation 
of many types of current camera had revealed departures from flatness of as 
much as 20 - 30 microns. The method to overcome this uses a roller to 
traverse the back of the film and press it into intimate contact vitli the 
register glass in the focal plane. There is also a groove in the upper 
surfFee of the register glass, just outside the format area to ?hich the 
suction is applied to prevent air entering at the edges of the film. Almost 
optical contract, 2-3 micron, is achieved by this method. An experimented 
camera is being built to determine its usefulness in practice. 
5. Visit 
On September 21st, a visit vras made to the photographic laboratories of 
the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Famborough. Among the items shown 
were: - 
(a) Compact automatic processing machine for film up to 9^ n wide. ^ 
(b) Experimental model of camera with film flattening device. 
(c) Beck - SIRA equipment for measuring O.T.F. of lenses. 
6. Social 
On September 19th, participants attended a reception at the Royal 
Institute of Chartered Surveyors, at the invitation of the Presidents of the 
Royal Institute and the Photogramme trie Society. As well as the officials 
of the two bodies, participants were able to renew acquaintance with many 
leading British Photogrammetrists. 
On the evening of September 22nd, a Symposium Dinner was held in the 
Refectory of the University College, London. It was well attended by 
participants and their ladies, and proved a very successful occasion, and a 
fitting end to the Symposium.

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