Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

"Die automatische Berechnung und Zeichnung von 
beliebigen Schnitten aus dem kontinuierlichen 
digitalen Modell des Deutschen Pavilions” 
von K-J Rummel, Stuttgart 
2. Main principles of practical application 
The registration is done preferably by photogrammetric instru 
ments. Here Wiesentheid photos 1 : 4000 were evaluated in the 
WILD Stereoautograph A 8, equipped with EK 5 and punching unit 
WILD SL 15. Average point density was about 100/ha, contour 
interval 0,5 m, space between adjacent points on contours about 
15 - 20 m. In forest areas no contours could be observed, here 
other lines of registration were followed. Registered A 8-model 
coordinates together with control points are the input data for 
the DTM-program, written in ALGOL and computed on the Telefunken 
computer TR 4. The input data is first transformed into grid co 
ordinates which are used to establish the DTM. Due to certain 
memory techniques the number of input data is practically unlim 
ited. To check the accuracy of the calculated heights direct 
photogrammetric cross-sections were taken at the same points. 
From the differences a standard error of + (against direct 
cross-sections) of the DTM heights has been calculated. 
3. Practical experience 
Practical application has been for the German Pavilion of EXPO 67 
in Montreal and in connection with the calculation of cross-sec 
tions for road-construction (vide reference paper). Detailed work 
of the DTM and program writing was done by K-J Rummel.

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