Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

optical conditions affecting the quality of aerial sur 
vey photographs. The results attained in research 
work are applied in the educational field and in prac 
tical work done by the students. 
7. Schools 
Photogrammetry as a separate branch of techno 
logy is tought — as part of the curriculum of geodesy 
and cartography — at three Czechoslovak schools of 
university standard, in Prague, Brno and Bratislava. 
In addition, students of architecture, civil and con 
structional engineering, forestry and geology are 
tought the fundamentals of photogrammetry as part 
of their geodetical instruction. 
This basic photogrammetrical training continues 
through three semester terms. The total extent of lec 
tures, training, and field- and laboratory-practice 
sums up to more than 300 hours. (In the fourth-year 
winter semester 2 hours lectures and 2 hours training 
weekly; in the summer semester 4 hours of lectures, 
4 hours of training, and a fortnight’s field practice; 
in the winter semester of the lifth year 3 hours of 
lectures and 3 hours of training per week). 
All those schools have their photogrammetric 
laboratories, well equipped for terrestrial photogram 
metry (stereocomparators, phototheodolites, stereo 
autographs) as well as for aerial photogrammetry 
(universal photogrammetric plotters, rectifiers, stereo- 
meters, multiplex instruments, and other simple aids). 
The equipment facilitates intensive photogrammetric 
instruction of a high quality. 
8. International Cooperation in the I. S. P. 
During the period covered by this report, the 
CSSR. has greatly intensified her activities in the 
International Society of Photogrammetry. At the X th 
1. S. P. Congress in Lisbon, Czechoslovakia has been 
elected to the chairmanship of the IV th Commission, 
and during the four years past she has discharged 
the duties ensuing from this appointment. One of the 
chief successes of these activities was the International 
Photogrammetric Symposium held in Prague, in 1966. 
It attracted an extensive international participation 
and has fulfilled its mission very satisfactorily. 
Czechoslovak photogrammetrists took an active 
part in various symposia and conferences organized 
by other I. S. P. Commissions. They were active in 
the international tests organized by the III rd and IV th 
Commissions, as well as in the activities of the work 
ing groups of Commissions II and IV; they were also 
charged with leading the special-interest groups IV/5 
on criteria of photogrammetric accuracy. 
Activities of Czechoslovak Photogrammetrists 
during the period between the X th and XI th 
All publications are in Czech or Slovak unless 
indicated otherwise. The headings of papers publish 
ed in Czech or Slovak periodicals or reports are quoted 
in English translation only. The following abbrevi 
ations have been used: 
GaKO — Geodetickÿ a kartografickÿ obzor (Geodetic and 
Cartographic Review) 
VTO — Vojenskÿ topografickÿ obzor (Review of Military 
CSAV — Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences 
CSVTS — Czechoslovak Scientific and Technological Society 
SVST — Slovak University of Technology 
ÛSGK — Central Office of Geodesy and Cartography 
VÜGTK — Research Institute for Geodesy, Topography and 
SNTL — National Publishers of Technical Literature 
Adler, E.: Photogrammetric recording of changes in the shape 
of hydraulic models — Research report, SVST Bratislava 
Adler, E.: Flow of streaming waters studied by photogram 
metry — Research report, SVST Bratislava, 1964 
New method of mesuring superficial streamlines in flow 
ing waters — Pedological Journal of the Slovak Academy 
of Sciences (1965), No. 4 
A wide-angle surveying camera — Research report, SVST 
Bratislava, 1967 
Berg, M.: Effects of a change in the horizon of the measuring 
mark upon the model coordinate and the graphical ad 
justment — GaKO (1965), No. 7 
Berg, M.— Jirecek, K.-Kment, L.: Reambulation of 
large-scale maps GaKO (1965), No. 11 
Bitterer, L. —N ovâk, P.: A stereometric camera for close- 
range photogrammetry — GaKO (1965), No. 9 
Cervinka, B.: Combined analytic-graphical adjustment of 
aerotriangulation — VTO (1964), No. 1 
Machine-plotting of reconnaissance and survey photographs 
taken in high-altitude flights — VTO (1966), No. 1 
Dockâlek, A.: Infrared radiation detector used for aerial 
photography — GaKO (1964), No. 3 
Gâl, P.: Comments on analytic photogrammetry — Collected 
papers of the Building Department SVST—SNTL, Brati 
slava, 1964 
Application of terrestrial photogrammetry to measurements 
in opencast mines — Research report SVST, Bratislava, 
Fotogrametria (Photogrammetry) — SNTL, Bratislava, 
Research into simplified analytical methods of aerotrian 
gulation — Research report SVST Bratislava, 1965 
The Application of Photogrammetry in Technical Geodesy 
in Czechoslovakia (in English) — GaKO, Special issue 
Gregor, F.: Photogrammetry applied to special purposes in 
alpine conditions — GaKO (1965), No. 1 
A contribution to the problem of planimetric triangulation 
from photographs — Candidate’s Thesis, 1965 
Gregor, F.: Utilizing natural markings in the photogram 
metric survey of front elevations — GaKO (1967), No. 3 
G r y g a r, M.: Conditions affecting the accuracy of flights and 
the keeping to correct transversal overlap — GaKO (1966), 
No. 12 
H a u t k e, C.: New methods of forestry mapping — GaKO 
(1964), No. 10 
H e r d a, K.: Preparation for the plotting of maps and plans 
from aerial photographs — GaKO (1966), No. 8 
H r o u d a, J. —Kriz, K.: Using terrestrial photogrammetry to 
record archeological monuments — GaKO (1967), No. 6 
J e r â b e k, O.: Theory of contrast transfer applied to the qualit 
ative evaluation of aerial photographs — Thesis, 1966 
J e f â b e k, O. et ah: Photogrammetric measurement of deform 
ations on the Vltava bridge near Zdakov — GaKO (1967), 
No. 10 
K o 1 â f, V.: Aerial photographs used for the maintenance of 
maps in the land register — GaKO (1965), No 8

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