Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

new table (HROOT) the scanning unit redisplays for printing purposes a program 
med portion of the image area being scanned by the input scanners. Either a 
Compilation Mode or a High Resolution Mode may be used. In the former, the 
orthophoto, elevation chart, and taped stored elevation data are produced simul 
taneously; in the latter, the scan is optimized for maximum output resolution 
(this mode may be used sequentially with the correlation scan during compilation 
or optionally during a playback printing mode following a complete compilation). 
c. The Air Bearing Micron Mensuration Stage instrument has a near- 
interferometric measurement capability. It is a compact, light-weight, precision, 
two-axis system providing high positioning and measurement accuracy--initial 
accuracy is maintained with virtually no maintenance nor recalibration. Support 
and guidance of the X-Y stage assembly is accomplished by frictionless, self 
cleaning air bearings. Travel in both X and Y direction is possible. A variety 
of commercially available microscopes can be used to facilitate measuring 
operations. Binary coded decimal position information, originating from ab 
solute metering scales on each axis, is amplified and processed by a remote 
electronics unit. The outputs are compatible with a visual in-line decimal dis 
play and/or a typewriter printout unit. 
The OPTOmechanisms, Inc., Plainview, New Jersey, USA, has introduced 
a Universal Imagery Exploitation Viewer (Model 571 U). It is a compact, pre 
cision viewing and measuring instrument incorporating high resolution optics with 
fiber optic cables, image enhancers, and related mechanisms. Five functional 
categories make up the instrument, namely, imagery viewing, film illumination, 
film handling, tracking system, and measurement systems. 
a. Imagery Viewing. A total of seventeen variations in viewing are avail 
able including use of TV displays, complete image rotation, switching of left and 
right imagery, overlapping magnification over a wide range, use of varied film 
and glass image formats, and use of black and white, color, and infrared vertical 
and oblique imagery materials. 
b. Film Illumination. Two illumination stations are provided with general 
and high intensity light sources. Controls allow for variable illumination at each 
station to accommodate imagery of varied intensities. Fans and heat dissipating 
mirrors regulate temperatures within practical limits. 
c. Film Handling. Features include manual and motorized film transport, 
semiautomatic film looping, glass platens with pressure plates and vacuum controls. 
d. Tracking System. Variable speed transport and precise positioning 
of the left and right objective assemblies are possible through the use of a "joystick" 
control. Stereotracking with left and right imagery of different orientations is 
e. Measurement Systems. The instrument provides for the incorporation 
of three measuring systems and one calibration system.

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