Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

a. Autoplot System. The task of the Autoplot system is to prepare map 
bases, as well as to carry out projection line scribing, geodetic and pass-point 
plotting, point symbolizing, and border format labeling. Basic design require 
ments of the system include high precision, relatively low cost, and compatibility 
with existing instrumentation. The incorporation of analytical and semianalytical 
techniques of aerotriangulation has made the system possible. Characteristics of 
the Autoplot system are as follows: 
(1) It consists of a magnetic-tape-controlled logic unit for generating 
commands to the drive motors for the X and Y axes and each position is plotted 
in incremental format. 
(2) The system’s magnetic-tape input is generated from basic data 
H processed on a centrally located IBM 360/model 65 system computer and written 
in Fortran IV language. Subroutines generate instructions for printing alphameric 
characters; for providing conversion between geographic coordinates and plane 
coordinates; and for providing printouts of transformation parameters. 
b. The Stereo Image Alternator (SIA). Several developments have been 
initiated to improve the direct viewing capabilities of double-projection stereo- 
plotters. One such economical device, namely, the Stereo Image Alternator (SIA) 
has been introduced to overcome the shortcomings of the large number of Kelsh 
and ER 55 stereoplotters in operation. The disadvantages of the anaglyphic -type 
instruments include incompatibility with color photographs; unequal sharpness 
of the red and the blue filtered images; possible appearance of ghost images and 
incomplete separations of the filtered image; and the low light intensity in the 
projected model due to filtering. The SIA, basically, consists of rotating cylin 
drical shutters (both in the viewing and in the projection field). These are syn 
chronized in such a way that each eye sees only the image from the corresponding 
projector. Small motors impart a rotation of 90° to the motor shaft and operate 
|| synchronously at relatively high speeds; it is to be noted that a rate of 60 flashes 
per second will produce a steady image for most individuals.

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