Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

1.1 Program of the work performed within 
the Intercommissional Working Group 
The program of the work, performed during the period 
1964 through 1968 has primarily been guided by the resolu 
tions from the Lisbon congress in 1964, where the working 
group was established. It is a continuation of the work 
from similar working groups, the reports of which were 
presented at the congress in London 1960 and Lisbon 
1964, see references 3: 5 and 3: 2. Next, the most important 
resolutions from the Lisbon I.S.P. congress will be quoted 
for the work of the group. 
Commission I 
Resolution No. 3. Stereoscopy 
The Congress has noted with regret the very limited 
amount of research work being done on stereoscopic vision, 
as this is fundamental to much of photogrammetric plot 
ting. Commission I is requested to work closely with other 
Commissions of the I.S.P. and in cooperation with medical 
authorities, to encourage research work on stereoscopic 
Resolution No. 4. Accuracy of Photogrammetric Data 
Photogrammetry and photo interpretation are founded 
upon the geometrical and photographic properties of the 
basic photographs and their copies. For the sound develop 
ment of the two activities mentioned, it is therefore neces 
sary that the basic geometrical and photographic qualities 
are kept under good control and be subject to detailed 
specifications and tolerances. In particular, the numerical 
data of geometrical properties of the image (the interior 
orientation, the image coordinates etc.) and photographic 
properties (speed and gradation of the emulsion, color 
sensitivity, contrast transfer data) must be checked under 
real operational conditions and tolerances for the possible 
discrepancies must be established. For such tolerances it 
is necessary that the accuracy (in the real sense of this 
word) of basic test measuring procedures be carefully 
determined from calibration procedures. A close coopera 
tion with Commission II in this particular problem is 
recommended. The terminology of basic concepts as 
treated in Commission VI should further be taken into 
Commission II 
Resolution No. 3 
A thorough and comprehensive study of photogram 
metric instruments should be made in order to devise a 
system for their classification which will be representative, 
effective and non-controversial. 
Resolution No. 5 
The basic geometrical quality of instruments, materials 
and methods should be investigated under operational 
conditions, particularly in connection with “controlled 
Resolution No. 6 
Manufacturers of instruments and materials are re 
quested to furnish such information about the geometrical 
quality of their products that tolerances can be established 
according to ordinary principles of theory of errors and 
statistics. The confidence coefficient should be ordinarily 
set at 95 per cent. 
Commission III 
Resolution No. 1 b) 
The addition of a new field of interest: 
study of the sources of errors in aerial triangulation and 
of their propagation in the strip. This study should include 
in particular the effect of errors in reconstructing the 
bundle of perspective rays. 
Commission VI 
Resolution No. 2 
It is proposed that Commission VI should continue the 
work to stabilize the terminology for theory of errors in 
photogrammetry. Contact should be taken with statistical 
and other international organizations in the science of 
measurement in order to try to arrive at a common glossary. 
Until a common glossary is agreed upon it is proposed 
that the actual glossary presented at this Congress be 
Moreover, reference is made to the Resolutions No. 2, 
3, and 4 of Commission II from the I.S.P. Congress in 
London 1960. 
2 a) All information on accuracy should be expressed in 
clear and well-defined terms. This information should be 
combined with data about its reliability, e.g. by giving the 
number of redundant observations. 
b) It is recommended that a glossary of the terms and 
expressions used in the theory of errors should be prepared 
in the principal languages and agreed upon by national 
institutions for international usage. 
3. It is desired that principles for the establishment of 
tolerances and specifications for instruments and methods 
in photogrammetry should be worked out. For such pur 
poses it is necessary that the sources of errors should be 
carefully investigated under real working conditions. More 
attention therefore, should be paid to theoretical and prac 
tical investigations of the fundamental operations of photo 
4. In order to compare the results of different theoretical 
and practical investigations into instruments and methods, 
it is suggested that the observations are adjusted according 
to the method of least squares. 
At the between-congress meeting in Bad Godesberg, 
Germany in April 1966 the program of the Working group 
was further discussed and some more detailed recom 
mendations were made. From the proceedings of Commis 
sion II the following statements are quoted. 
“Diese Arbeitsgruppe, deren Tätigkeit auch für die 
Kommissionen I, III, IV und VI von Bedeutung ist, soll 
weiterhin von der Kommission II betreut werden. Sie 
wird die Grundlagen behandeln, auf denen die Photo 
grammetrie aufgebaut ist. 
a. Die grundlegenden Vorstellungen und die Termino 
logie für die Qualitätsfragen der Photogrammetrie müssen 
geklärt werden. Bei dieser Weiterführung der bisherigen 
Arbeiten ist die Zusammenarbeit mit allen Mitgliedern der 
I.G.P. notwendig und erwünscht. 
Ferner sollen die grundlegenden Operationen der Photo 
grammetrie im Hinblick auf die Qualität untersucht werden.

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