the parameters of the method of reconstruction and calibration are the same.
Then we take photographs of a test object and from geometric information in
the pictures we estimate the elements of interior orientation using the method of
least squares. We also estimate the accuracy of the image co-ordinates, and the
accuracy of the estimates of the elements of interior orientation. This accuracy
depends on the number of points, their locations in relation to the camera and
the accuracy of the image co-ordinates i.e. how well the mathematical model
fits the observations. As the test photographs are taken under conditions
that are very similar to practice, we may assume that the error population is the
same for test and practice. This always ought to be applied where measuring
devices are calibrated. Accurate calibration is absolutely necessary for all
measuring procedures. This also makes it possible to predict the accuracy in
future evaluations of pictures from the calibrated camera. The information
regarding accuracy also provides the possibility of testing certain hypotheses
with statistical methods.