7. Requirements on Test Objects
Using formulas 5.5.5 and 5.5.6 to solve for the parameters of the interior ori
entation, the location of the points on the test object must be such that the cor
responding matrix of normal equation coefficients (A’P A in formula 6.1.17)
is non-singular. The test object must also give a good sample of the bundle of
rays from the camera. It is impossible to use every ray of the bundle in the test,
but the sample of them must be taken so that the points are uniformly distri
buted over the image area. This seems to be a reasonable way of getting infor
mation from the entire bundle of rays.
It is rather easy to make plane test objects. They can be established on glass
plates, on walls of buildings, in flat terrain etc. For these test objects all points
have, or are reduced to, the same (Zj-co-ordinates. If the test plane and the
image plane are almost parallel we cannot determine both exterior and interior
projection centers, because we get the following linear dependence among the
coefficients of the observation equations:
a x o + ax o — 0
a u o + aY 0 = 0
a c — azo = 0
where (Z) from formula 5.1.5 is constant for all points. This means that some
thing must be known about the exterior center of projection to give the possibi
lity of determining the interior orientation, i. e. the co-ordinates X 0 , Y 0 and Z 0
must be known and their corrections excluded from the adjustment. From for
mulas 7.1.1, 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 we can derive the influence of errors in the exterior
projection center upon the interior orientation in the case of vertical photo
graphy. For the principal point we obtain: