Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

for the eccentricity. The readings were immedeately recorded on punched cards 
and checks and computations were programmed. The scale of the co-ordinates is 
defined by a 2 m invar bar. The instrument used was a Wild T3 theodolite. 
The overall accuracy of the co-ordinates is estimated as a spatial standard 
error vector of 0.07 mm. 
8.1.2. Fiducial transformations 
The corners of the picture were used as fiducial marks. Their so-called given 
co-ordinates were simply measured on an arbitrarily chosen picture. Even 
though these co-ordinates are not free from error, they still serve as a defini 
tion of the image co-ordinate system. The main results of the computations are 
shown in Table 4. Using Bartlett’s test 1 ) on the standard errors of unit weight 
Fig. 9. 
The basement ’’cage”. The points form pyramids as in Fig. 8 to suit normal angle and wide 
angle cameras. The plane close to the wall contains a large number of evenly distributed 
l) This test is used to examine the homogenity of a series of variances. See Kendall-Stuart 
[21], example 24.4.

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