Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

3) an iodine 125 radiation source for dental purposes calibrated by means of a 
plexiglass plate with steel balls as targets, 
4) a terrestrial metric camera, TMK, calibrated by means of several expo 
sures of a plane test field. 
The calibration under operational conditions of aerial cameras is discussed 
and some different types of test fields are suggested. 
Almost all computational work has been done on electronic computers with 
large memories. The programs are written in Algol without any high degree 
of sophistication, but they still are necessary if this method is to be used to 
solve the calibration problem. 
The work presented in this thesis has been performed at the Division of 
Photogrammetry, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. It has been a 
part of the research program for medical photogrammetry granted by the 
Swedish Technical Research Council. 
The author is very much indebted to the Head of the Division of Photo 
grammetry, Professor Bertil Hallert, for his continuous support, for the excel 
lent working conditions, for enlightning discussions and for his interest in the 
elaboration of this calibration technique. 
I am also very grateful to Tekn. lie. Jiiri Talts and Civ. ing. Anders Moren 
for many years of fruitful work together, for valuable discussions, advice and 
suggestions, for stimulating criticism and their great interest in many details of 
my work. 
To Ing. Sture Wilson I owe a debt of thanks for his continuous collabora 
tion, for his skilful craftmanship and for his great willingness in all construc 
tion work on cameras and test objects. 
To Civ. ing. Ole Jacobi, Copenhagen, and Civ. ing. Bengt Andersson, Stock 
holm, I am very much indebted for their excellent design of the geodetic 
measurements, data programming and organization of the measurements on 
the steel ’’cage*’. 
The author is very much obliged to Mrs Rigmor Soderberg for the photo 
graphic work and to Ing. Carl-Olov Jonasson for measurements in the com 
I am very much indebted to Professor Ed Dauphin, Kingston, Canada, for 
valuable criticism of and discussions on parts of my work and for language 
corrections in the thesis. 
Finally, I want to express my gratitude to all my colleagues at the Division 
of Photogrammetry for all help in connection with this work. 
Stockholm in March 1967. 
Kennert Torlegard

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