Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

The scintillation effect has a somewhat larger amplitude 
for the satellite images, because of their shorter exposure 
times. It is of special interest to consider the data 
obtained in Troms8, Norway, which are denoted by solid dots 
in the upper portion of Figure 11. The precision of measur- 
ments, as shown in the lower pattern on the figure, does not 
display any pronounced anomaly, although the average is slightly 
larger than the overall mean. However, the center pattern 
showing the mean errors of the single camera adjustments, 
indicates that practically all values are above average. As 
a group, the Troms8 observations, with 63 reduced plates, 
display, by far, the largest station mean error for the single 
camera reductions with ±3.7 microns, compared to ±2.97 microns, 
the average of all reduced plates. Significantly, the largest 
mean error for a single camera reduction was encountered in 
Tromsj3 with ±5.02 microns. 
Similarly, the average of the curve fitting noise is ±4.3 
microns in Troms8 against the overall average of ±3.0 microns, 
having as its largest value ±8.4 microns, which appears to 
gether with the largest mean error for a single camera reduc 
tion on the above mentioned plate. 
An analysis of the statistical results obtained from the 
reduction of about six million coordinate measurements indicates 
the following random error components.

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