Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

Of particular interest is the further de 
velopment of methods which serve to elimi 
nate the systematic errors which may occur 
in triangulated strips by means of corrections 
applied to the photograph coordinates. 
A major problem that still remains to be 
solved is how to satisfy the need of especially 
the many small photogrammetric organiza 
tions for suitable computer programs. Many 
of these organizations have neither the neces 
sary experience nor the access to a sufficiently 
large computer to use large sophisticated 
programs and they would be best served by 
small programs for specific purposes. As yet, 
only the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 
and the National Research Council of Canada 
have made it their policy to publish their 
[1] F. E. Ackermann, Development of strip and 
block adjustment during 1960-1964. Int. 
Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. 15, part 5, 
[2] W. Schermerhorn, Aerial triangulation at 
the Lisbon Congress. Photogrammetria 20: 
5, Oct. 1965. 
[3] A. Verdin, Le Congres de Lisbonne. Compte 
rendu des activités de la Commission III. 
Bull de la Soc. Belge de Phot. No. 80. Tune 
[4] G. de Masson d'Autume, Le symposium in 
ternational sur l’aerotriangulation spatiale. 
Bull, de la Soc. Française de Photo. No 22, 
April 1966. 
[5] H. H. Schmid, Analytical aerotriangulation. 
Fourth United Nations Regional Cartographic 
Conference for Asia and the Far East, Vol. 2, 
[6] H. H. Schmid and E. Schmid, A generalized 
least squares solution for hybrid measuring 
systems. The Canadian Surveyor 19: 1, 
March 1965. 
[7] H. H. Schmid, Ein allgemeiner Ausglei- 
chungsalgorithmus zur Auswertung von hy- 
briden Meszanordnungen. Bildmessung und 
Luftbildwesen (B. und L.) 33: 3/4, Sept./ 
Dec. 1965. 
[8] M. Keller, Documented computer pro 
grams. Phot. Eng. 31: 5, Sept. 1965. 
[9] G. C. Tewinkel, Block analytic aerotriangula 
tion. Phot. Eng. 32: 6, Nov. 1966. 
[10] M. Keller, Block adjustment operation at 
C&GS. Phot. Eng. 33: 11, Nov. 1967. 
[lla] D. C. Brown, R. G. Davis, and F. C. John 
son, Research in mathematical targeting: 
the practical and rigorous adjustment of 
large photogrammetric nets. U.S. Air Force, 
Griffith Air Force Base report 133, Nov. 1964. 
[llb] D. C. Brown, The simultaneous adjustment 
of very large photogrammetric blocks. Paper 
presented at the Symposium on Computa 
tional Photogrammetry of the Am. Soc. of 
Photogr., Potomac Region, Dec. 1967. 
[12] R. G. Davis, Analytical adjustment of large 
blocks. Phot. Eng. 22: 1, Jan. 1966. 
[13] R. G. Davis, Advanced techniques for the 
rigorous adjustment of large photogram 
metric nets. Photogrammetria 22, 5, July 1967. 
[14] R. A. Matos, Analytical simultaneous block 
triangulation and adjustment. Photo. Eng. 
30, 5, Sept. 1964. 
[15] A. A. Elassal, Analytical aerial triangulation 
through simultaneous relative orientation of 
multiple cameras. Civil Eng. Studies, 
Photogr. Series No. 2, Univ. of Illinois, Oct. 
[16] A. A. Elassal, Simultaneous multiple sta 
tion analytical triangulation program. Photo 
grammetria 21, 3, June 1966. 
[17] M. L. McKenzie and R. C. Eller, Computa 
tional methods in the USGS. Photo. Eng. 
31: 5, Sept. 1965. 
[18] M. L. McKenzie, Operational analytical 
aerotriangulation by the Direct Geodetic 
Restraint Method. Paper presented at the 
International Symposium on Spatial Aero 
triangulation, Urbana, March 1966. To be 
published in Photogrammetria. 
[19] A. A. Elassal, The use of modular computer 
programs to edit data for very large simul 
taneous photogrammetric solutions. Paper 
presented at the semi-annual meeting of the 
Am. Soc. of Photogr., St. Louis, Oct. 1967. 
[20] Anonymous, Adjustment of large aerial 
triangulation blocks on an electronic com 
puter of limited capacity. Fourth United Na 
tions Regional Cartographic Conference for 
Asia and the Far East, Vol. 2, 1966. 
[21] G. de Masson d’Autume, Le traitement 
numérique des blocs d’aerotriangulation. 
Esquisse d’une solution noniterative. Bul 
letin de la Soc. Française de Photogr. No. 18, 
April 1965. 
[22] G. de Masson d’Autume, The perspective 
bundle of rays as the basic element in aerial 
triangulation. Paper presented at the Sym 
posium of Spatial Aerotriangulation, Urbana, 
March 1966. To be published in Photogram- 
[23] J. Albertz, Blocktriangulation mit Einzel 
bildern. Deutsche Geod. Komm. Reihe C, 
Heft 92, 1966. 
[24] Ch. Gruber, Untersuchung der strengen 
Verfahren zur Auflösung von Normalglei 
chungssystemen unter besonderer Berück 
sichtigung programmgesteuerter Rechenau 
flagen. Deutsche Geod. Komm. Reihe C, 
Heft 86, 1966. 
[25] S. W. Henriksen, Mathematical Photogram 
metry. Phot. Eng. 31: 4, July 1965. 
[26] V. Krâtkÿ, On the solution of analytical 
aerotriangulation by means of an iterative 
procedure. Photogrammetria 22: 5, July 1967. 
[27] V. Krâtkÿ, Economical indirect solution of 
the block adjustment of aerial triangulation. 
Geodeticky a Kartograficky Obzor 12: 54, 
Aug. 1966. 
[28] V. Krâtkÿ, Contribution to the problem of 
convergence of indirect computing solution 
in the analytical aerotriangulation. Presented 
paper, Lausanne Congress. 
[29] K. Kubik, Survey of methods in analytical 
block triangulation. ITC publication A 39, 
Spring 1967. 
[30] K. Kubik, A procedure for analytical block

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