Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

[68] M. Keller, A practical three-photo orienta 
tion solution to the analytic aerotriangula- 
tion problem. Photogrammetria 22: 4, May 
[69] D. E. Moellman, A comparative study of 
two-photo versus three-photo relative orien 
tation. Civil Eng. Studies, Photogrammetry 
Series No. 7, Univ. of Illinois. 
[70] C. M. A. Van den Hout, Analytical radial 
triangulation and ‘Anblock’. Photogram 
metria 19: 8, 1962-64. 
[71] R. Roelofs, Radial triangulation in moun 
tainous country? Photogrammetria 19: 8, 
[72] R. Roelofs, The influence of observational 
errors and irregular him distortion on the 
accuracy of numerical radial triangulation 
Cartography 5: 3/4, 1964. 
[73] J. Timmerman, The influence of instrument 
adjusting errors in numerical radial triangula 
tion. Photogrammetria 19:8, 1962-64. 
[74] R. D. Turpin, Numerical radial triangula 
tion. Phot. Eng. 32: 6, Nov. 1966. 
[75] P. R. Wolf, Analytical radial triangulation. 
Phot. Eng. 33: 1, Jan. 1967. 
[76] E. M. Mikhail, A study in numerical radial 
triangulation. Paper presented at the semi 
annual meeting of the Am. Soc. of Photogr., 
St. Louis, Oct. 1967. 
[77] G. E. Bellings, On the application of poly 
nomials in numerical block adjustment. 
The South African Journal of Photogram 
metry 2: 3, May 1965. 
[78] G. Grade, Analytical block triangulation 
with sequential independent models. Photo 
grammetria 22: 5, July 1967. 
[79] C. T. Horsfall, Aerotriangulation strip ad 
justment using FORTRAN and the IBM- 
1620 computer. C&GS publication, March 
[80] I. S. Jacobs, Practical analytical aerial tri 
angulation. The South African Journal of 
Photogrammetry 2: 2, May 1964. 
[81] I. S. Jacobs, Some results of analytical aerial 
triangulation. The South African Journal of 
Photogrammetry 2: 3, May 1965. 
[82] M. Keller and G. C. Tewinkel, T'erotriangula- 
tion strip adjustment. C&’GS Technical Bul 
letin 23, Aug, 1964. 
[83] P. T. Koetsier and P. L. Meadows, An in 
troduction to analytical aerial triangulation. 
The South African Journal of Photogram 
metry 2: 3, May 1965. 
[84a] E. M. Mikhail, Simultaneous 3-D transfor 
mation of higher degrees. Phot. Eng. 30: 
4, July 1964. 
[84b] D. W. G. Arthur, Three-dimensional trans 
formations of higher degree. Phot. Eng. 31 : 
1, Jan. 1965. 
[84c] H. H. Brazier, Simultaneous three-dimen 
sional transformation. (Discussion paper). 
Phot. Eng. 31: 5, Sept. 1965. 
[84d] J. Vlcek, Simultaneous three-dimensional 
transformation. (Discussion paper). Phot. 
Eng. 32: 2, March 1966. 
[84e] P. L. Baetslé, Conformal transformations in 
three dimensions. Phot. Eng. 32: 5, Sept. 
[84f] G. H. Schut, Conformal transformations and 
polynomials. Phot. Eng. 32: 5, Sept. 1966. 
[85] G. H. Schut, Development of programs for 
strip and block adjustment at the National 
Research Council of Canada. Phot. Eng. 
30: 2, March 1964. 
[86] G. H. Schut, Block adjustment by polyno 
mial transformations. Phot. Eng. 33: 9, 
Sept. 1967. Also publication NRC-9265 of 
the National Research Council of Canada. 
[87] H. F. Soehngen, Strip and block adjustments 
of the ITC block of synthetic aerial triangu 
lation strips. Presented paper, Lausanne Con 
[88] G. C. Tewinkel, Slope corrections in aero 
triangulation adjustments. Phot. Eng. 31: 
1, Jan. 1965. 
[89] H. S. Williams and G. E. Belling, Hybrid and 
conformal polynomials. Phot. Eng. 33: 6, 
June 1967. 
[90] M. E. H. Young, Block triangulation on the 
NRC-monocomparator. The Can. Surveyor 
20: 4, Sept. 1966. 
[91] L. P. Adams, Block adjustment by the di 
rection method. The Photogrammetric Record 
5: 29, April 1967. 
[92] R. E. Altenhofen, Analytical adjustment of 
horizontal aerotriangulation. Phot. Eng. 
32: 6, Nov. 1966. 
[93] M. L. McKenzie, Adjustment of elevations 
derived from instrumentally bridged aerial 
photographs. Phot. Eng. 30: 2, March 1964. 
[94] G. IT Schut, A method of block adjustment 
for heights with results obtained in the in 
ternational test. Photogrammetria 20: 1, 
[95] J. VI. Anderson and A. J. McNair, Analytic 
aerotriangulation: triplets and subblocks. 
Photogrammetria 21: 6, Dec. 1966. 
[96] J. M. Anderson, Coordinate transformations 
for basic subgroup assembly in dimplified 
systems of analytic aerotriangulation. Pre 
sented paper, Lausanne Congress. 
[97] D. W. G. Arthur, Interpolation of a func 
tion of many variables. Phot. Eng. 31: 
2, March 1965. 
[98] J. Vlcek, Adjustment of a strip using ortho 
gonal polynomials. Phot. Eng. 31: 2, 
March 1965. 
[99] W. Wainauskas, Über die Ausgleichung der 
räumlichen Bildtriangulation und ihre 
Genauigkeit bei der Anwendung der Poly 
nome von zwei Veränderlichen. Vermes 
sungstechnik, 13: 11/12, Nov/Dec. 1965. 
[100] F. E. Ackermann, Fehlertheoretische Unter 
suchungen über die Genauigkeit photo 
grammetrischer Striefentriangulationen. 
Deutsche Geod. Komm. Reihe C, 87, 1965. 
[101] F. Ackermann, Some results of an investi 
gation into the theoretical precision of 
planimetric block adjustment. Photogram 
metria 19: 8, 1962-64. 
[102] F. Ackermann, On the theoretical accuracy 
of planimetric block triangulation. Photo- 
metria 21: 5, Oct. 1966. 
[103] F. Ackermann, Photogrammetrische Lage 
genauigkeit streifenartiger Modellverbände. 
B. und L. 34: 3/4, Sept./Dec. 1966. 
[104] F. Ackermann, Theoretische Beispiele zur

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