Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Isard, W.: "Spatial Organization and Regional Planning, 
Some Hypothese for Econometric Analysis", Actes, Se- 
maine d'Etude sur le Role de l'Analyse Econométrique 
dans la Formulation de Plans de Développement, Rome 
Kirschen, E. S: "Etudes de Projections Economiques à 
Long Terme de l'Economie Mondiale”, ‘Modèles de Pro- 
jection pour les Pays Développés à Economie de Marché”, 
Publ. Nations Unies E/3842/ST/ECA/80, New York 1964. 
Marble, D. F. & Thomas, E. N.: “Some Observations on 
the Utility of Multispectral Photography in Urban Rese- 
arch", University of Michigan, Institute of Sciences and 
Technology, 4th Symposium on Remote Sensing, Proceed- 
ings, Ann Arbor, April 1966. 
Moeller, S. G: “How to study the Accuracy and Economy 
of Aerial Triangulation in Large Scales”, Actes, Conié- 
rence de Photogrammétrie Urbaine, Centre de Recherche 
d'Urbanisme, Paris 1965. 
Nowicki, A. L: "Natural Resources, Vol. II/The Establish- 
ment of a National Institute for Aerial Photography, Car- 
tography and Geodesy’, US Papers for UN Conference 
on Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit 
of Less Developped Countries, Geneva 1963, Superinten- 
dent of Documents, Washington 1963. 
Palgen, J. J: "Les Aspects Economiques de la Photointer- 
prétation”, Actes, 2 Symposium de Photointerprétation, 
Ottawa 1967. 
Rentmeester, L. F.: “Cybernetics and Cartography”, Tech- 
nical Note 66-4, GIMRADA, Washington 1966. 
Schermerhorn, W. "Actual Problems in Aerial Survey", 
ITC Publication No. A/B 1, 1960, Delft. 
Schiller, O.: "Die Ókonomische Entwicklung des Staatlichen 
Vermessungs und  Kartenwesens", Vermessungstechnik, 
Jahr. 12, Heft 6, 1964. 
Schwidefsky, K: "Welche Rolle kann die Photogram- 
metrie bei der Rationallisierung im Vermessungswesen 
spielen", Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Vol. 83, No. 
11, Stuttgart 1958. 
Southard, R. B. (Jr.): “Natural Resources, Vol. II/Prac- 
tical Considerations for the Rapid Mapping of Develop- 
ping Countries”, US Papers for UN Conference on Ap- 
plication of Science and Technology for the Benefit of 
Less Developped Countries, Geneva 1963, Superintendent 
of Documents, Washington 1963. 
Steiner, D. & Zimmermann, H W.: “Verkehrsplan- 
nung als Grundlage der Stadtplanung, Beispiele, Chicago 
and Philadelphia”, Neue Ziircher Zeitung, Zurich 1965, 
Nr. 3915. 
Theil, H.: “Decision Rules and Similation Techniques in De- 
velopment Programming’, Actes, Semaine d'Etude sur le 
Role de l'Analyse Econométrique dans la Formation de 
Plans de Développement, Rome 1963. 
Theil, H: "Optimal Decision Rules for Government and In- 
dusiry", Studies in Mathematical and Manageria! Eco- 
nomics, Vol. 1, North Holland Publishing Co., Amster- 
dam 1964. 
Tinbergen, J: “The Econometric Framework of Regional 
Planning", Actes, Semaine d'Etude sur le Role de l'Ana- 
lyse Econométrique dans la Formulation de Plans de Dé- 
veloppement, Rome 1963. 
Unverferth, J. E: “Natural Resources, Vol. Il/Inter- 
national Cooperation in Surveying and Mapping in the 
Americas”, US Papers for UN Conference on Application 
of Science and Technology for the Benefit of Less Deve- 
lopped Countries, Geneva 1963, Superintendent of Docu- 
ments, Washington 1963. 
der Weele, A. ].: “Considérations Economiques au 
Sujet de l'Utilisation des Vues Aériennes lors des Travaux 
Cartographiques à l'Echelle Nationale", Revue d'Jena, 
1967, No. 1. 
Wright, M. S: "What Does Photogrammetric Mapping 
Really Cost", Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 
3, 1960. : 
Cncycklopedia Britannica, Book of the Year, 1965, 1966. 
Statistical Yearbook, 1965, United Nations, New York. 

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