the best solution is a combination of production speed
and low costs — this is the case with analytical aerial
triangulation for mapping purposes. Analytical aerial
triangulation over large areas (or, more generally, of
large blocks of photographs) eliminated the difficulty
that often was referred to as a "bottleneck" in map-
ping operations. When supported by such airborne
methods as the Radar Profile and Aerodist, this meth-
od permits to determine rapidly, the necessary contro!
points under the most difficult circumstances. Please
refer to specialized publications in this regard [2, 3,
4]. I would like, however, to mention en passant,
that the laser type of Profile Recorder is in an ad-
vanced experimental stage [5]. There is no doubt
that this new technique, which promises astonishing
performance, will further equip photogrammetry with
à powerful tool for the task of mapping large and
remote territories.
Orthophoto maps
The intent to develop an automatic mapping
technique, pursued from the earliest days of photo-
grammetry, found its fulfillment in the orthophoto
technique. This is probably one of the most remark-
able events in mapping history. Yet, it is seldom re-
cognized as such partly because of the novelty of the
product. The orthophoto map is vastly different from
the conventional map: the latter is a symbolized pic-
ture of an abstract of the earth's surface, whereas the
former is its geometrically correct, true photographic
picture. The content of the conventional map is de-
cided upon at the design stage, whereas the ortho-
photo map, in principle, includes all the cartographic
information of the terrain, and it is up to the user to
interpret and to select information according to his
Some mappers and cartographers have the ten-
dency to reject spontaneously the orthophoto product
as a new concept in mapping because the orthophoto
map does not meet the classic definition of a map.
Conversely, it could be reasoned, that only because
an orthophoto is sufficiently different from the con-
ventional map is there a chance of a far-reaching so-
lution, presenting exceptional advantages and possi-
bilities from the standpoint of production.
Leaving this question aside, let us analyze the
new vistas open to mapping and to small scale map-
ping by the orthophoto approach. There are some im-
portant features of this technique that must be con-
sidered from the outset to make the discussion mean-
— Contouring and relief shading is obtained auto-
matically and simultaneously with the ortho-
photo process. Resulting time and cost savings
are of the utmost importance, not only in the
ordinary sense, but also because they allow new
approaches to mapping projects of particular
urgency or of a temporary nature.
— Orthophoto technique offers a new approach to
mapping in general, including conventional map-
ping, where a linedrawn map is the final pro-
duct. The development of the stereo orthophoto
should be mentioned particularly in this connec-
As I tried to explain on previous occasions, there
is an obvious relationship between the tool and pro-
duct: They should be permitted to act on each other
until an optimum solution is achieved. Any rigid,
preconceived ideas or specifications introduce undue
difficulties ^nd slow the progress. It is important,
when considering the orthophoto technique as ^ new
mapping tool, that we maintain this flexible attitude.
Contrary to the opinions advanced by some ma-
nufacturers of orthophoto equipment, use of ortho-
photo maps for scales smaller than 1:25,000 entails
certain difficulties which definitely make it not as
advantageous and straightforward as in the large-
scale range. This is simply because many details cease
to be recognisable at smaller photographic scales and
thus require symbolization. Therefore, the question
arises: What is the advantage of using the orthophoto
approach for small-scale mapping (1:25,000 and
smaller) if extensive symbolization is necessary?
From personal experience I would like to make the
following observations:
Unless the photographic background is undesir-
able (which in some instances is the case) there is no
convincing argument why symbolization should not
be added io the orthophoto manuscript. Most often
the ch>racteristic features of the terrain can better be
presented by an adequately processed orthophoto map
than by using the conventional technique. This ap-
plies particularly to less developed areas, where the
need for mapping is urgent. In such areas, there are
relatively few artificial details requiring symboliza-
tion; the greater part of a map consists of natural
features such as topography (contour lines), bodies
of water and vegetation. In this respect, there is no
doubt that the orthophoto technique offers a superior
form of cartographic presentation. In addition, the
basic sheets are obtained simultaneously and at great
If, however, a conventional line-drawn map is
required, the orthophoto technique [6] may present
an attractive and efficient solution. The usual ortho-
photos, the contour line sheets, and the shaded relief
sheets of the land to be mapped are produced in one
scanning operation. Then the orthophoto manuscript
is observed stereoscopically together with the enlarge-
ment of the second photograph of the stereopair (or
its contact copy, if a special observation device is
available). By this mode of observation, superior in-
terpretability of the viewed "stereomodel" is achieved
in a manner very similar to that on stereoplotters and
the details that must be symbolized are drawn or
In this regard, a very special note must be made
of the stereo-orthophoto developed at the National
Research Council of Canada [7]. In this novel tech-
nique, a "stereo-mate" of the orthophoto is produced,
preferably in the same scanning process as the ori-
ginal orthophoto. The stereo-mate is a rectified photo-
graph, similar to the orthophoto, with the difference
that the horizontal parallaxes of terrain points are
proportional to the elevation differences. The im-
portant feature of this approach is the fact that the
vertical parallaxes between the orthophoto and the
orthophoto-mate have been eliminated in the scan-