Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

28 l.p.mm 
40 lepemm at O9 
20 l.p.um at 
50 l.p.mm at OO 
20 l.p.mm at 
Aerial Survey Camera 
Country 1.12 1.21 1.24 
United 9 ||Wild RC 8 [23x23 | 152 | Occasionally |Principal | ¥ 10am DO 1.p.mm 
States | point at 09 
of 7 0,03mm. 40 l.p.mm 
America Diagonals at 20° 
(fiduc. 20 l.pemm 
marks) , at 400 
9009 t 1i. radial and 
Flatness angent 
7 12 um 
| ‘ 
10 Wild RC 8 [23x23 | 152 | Every 6 According to the manufacturer s 
months by certificate. 
the manu- 
11 Wild RC 8 23x23 | 152 | Annually by - : 84m D3 l.p.mm 
the manuface t oo 
turer e 8 lepemm 
I t 209 
5 lepemm 
t 409 
12 Wide angle@3x23 | 152 | Annually or [Principal No bs lepemm 
Wild,Zeiss, 88 | when necessa- | point (high cone 
Fairchild. ry - 0,03 mm. trast). 
| Super wea. 3 Diagonals 
Wild 90° * 1? 
13 [||CA . 14 23x23 | 152 | Laboratory 
| (7-11) (private) - - - 
KC = 1 B 
14 Zeiss 23x23 | 152 | In the labo- No No No 
Wild RC 8 ratory of the 
15 (Zeiss RMK [23x23 | 152 | New camera |¥ 0,02 mm | ¥ 4am on No 
: = NO cale the diagol 
nal 100 mm 
| | 
16 (Zeiss RMK (23x23 | 152 | In the la- According to the certificates 
(wild RC 5 boratory of the US BS . 
Union of 1 |[AFA-TE 18x18 50| Every 2 years|* 0,01 mm Now are Now being 
Soviet : 70 | in the labo being stated. 
Socialist 100 | ratory.Visual corrected} 
Republics method. 

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