Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Ad 1.23 
Ad 1.21 
the following angles off the axis: 7,52, 15° 
22,5? , 275° 030°, 132,9%,535°%; 37,5% 40°, 
42,50, 459. The radial distorsion value for 
the identical field angles on each of the 
4 half diagonals shall agree within -0,005mm 
with the average value for identical field 
angles. The tangential distorsion for any 
point shall not exceed Lo, 008mm within the 
23x23 cm format. 
Radial distorsion values are compared across 
at least 4 radii for presence of asymmetric 
distorsion. Max. spread between values at a 
given angle from the center of lens is not 
to exceed : O, 005mm. 
Elevation discrepancies are determined in 
stereomodels formed from flash-plate exposu- 
res made on USGS multicollimator camera cali 
Austria |1 
Belgium |l 
Brazil 1 
Bulgaria 1 
Cambodge| 1 
Canada 11 

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