Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

= 53 = 
Photogrammetric Plotting Instruments 
Country | Org] 4.11&8| 4.11b 4.128 | 4.12b | 4.126 4.13 4.21 4.22 
Los We — 
e Yes [Every 3 Yes No Yes | Mean sq.resid. 2 16 hours 
months error+10 am in 
the negative. 
Point grid 
3 Yes Every 6 Yes No No 20,05% H 1 or 2 7 hours 
United 1 Yes {Every 12 Yes No No C and A: 
States Zeiss Ci months or planimetry 1/12500 8-16 
of AMS-M2, | more altimetry 1/10000 1 or 2 tours 
America Mild A-Q frequently AMS-M2 
factor altimetry 1/20000 
1500 RMSE 
C=fac tor 
2 Yes Every 6 No No Yos -20 um 1 16 hours 
3 IKelsh 2|Every 6 Yes No No No 3 8 hours 
(3 pro-| months or 
jector) | as re- 
quired ) 
4 Yes Every 3 Yes No Yes | No 2 16 hours 
5 Yes Every 8 Yes No No Kelsh Manual of 1 8 hours 
Il months Calibration 
6 Yes Annually Yes No No > 50 aim (new in- | 2 7,5 hour: 
Kelsh strument ) With nume- 
710d rical out- 
order put 15 hour 
7 Yes Every 6 Yes No No [According to spe-| 1 16 hours 
months and cifications rarely | Sometimes 
whenever re4 2 24 

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