Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

14 hours 
18 hours 
14 hours 
Union of Soviet 
- 56 = 
Notes to 4. 
Photogrammetric Plotting Instruments. 
Ad 4.12c 
In two variants: In the first one 
the accuracy of model is checked 
by Oschurkov dummy, which is a 
pair of plates with points which 
have been fixed according to formu- 
las about relation of points in the 
terrain and in the photograph. It 
is possible to get four stereo va- 
riants out of four halves of plates: 
a) Normal plottingof flat country: 
«€ == = = = = = 
= = = A= == 0 , bz= 0 
f,- lOO0mm, H- 2000 m, longitudi- 
nal overlap 61,142. 
b) Normal plotting of mountainous 
of = == = e = em 
P905 € 9*0, 
£,=100 mm, H-2000 m, B-1300 m, 
maximal superelevation above the 
mean plane Ah + 343 and - 300m. 
c) Planimetrio plotting of mountain- 
ous country: « = w,= ¥,= 0, ¥,=0, 
d,=+2°10?, @,= -2°10?, B,= 30m, 
B,-1300m, H-2000m (above mean pla- 
ne), max.superelevation above the 
mean plane Ah+300 and - 300 m. 
d) Planimetric plotting of flat 
: = = = of = = 
Country: = = x. O 9 2 ¥*, 0, 
4,239, H=.2032,79 m,B,=1422,95 n, 
B,=106, 35m, B, - 2,79 m. 

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