Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Ground Control Points 
w 61 = 
= mean altimetric error when L=0 
Country | Orgd| 5.1  p.21& | 5.21b | 5.21e | 5.2 5.23 Country 
l = 
Denmark | 1 Hori- [Yes No Yes No Ghana 
Verti- | 
c Hungary 
England! 1 [|Varies (Yes No Yes Yes Various 
Funda- Minor 
mental control 
points poinis 
ea — Iran 
2 Varies [Yes No Yes Yes Fundamental points « 0,25 mm in 
the map scale. 
Elevation control points 1/4 
contour interval or better Italy 
France i 6 Various|Various|Various Yes Various 
German 1 Min.4 [Yes No Yes Yes 
Republic 2 | Min.5 [Seldom | No Yes Yes Large semi-axis of the ellipse of Tor 
AAT errors max.l5 cm is satisfactory C D y 
for m =m =+ 10 om Qna 
x y 
3 Topo- [Yes No Yes Yes Graphical plotting: Japan , 
maps: > alevati ce 
Horizon. M horize slevation 
+, + 
tal 3 1:1000 ~10cm =]10cm 
vertical 135000 -50cm -l0em 
up to 15 
Numeri- : "Nu qs + = 
als Numerical: horiz. = 5 cm 
horizon. vert. =10cm 
4 - 
alt.4-6 Malaya 2 
German 1 4 Yes No Yes Yes m =m =20,4 m 
Dem. 2 y p 
Republic m, *--0,3 n, 
m * mean planimetric error of Morocco | 1 

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