- 62.
Ground Control Points
Country Org4 5.1 5.218 5.21b 5.21c 5.22 5.23
Ghena | 1 || 4-6 | Yes No No Yes | Horizontal = 6,1 ecm
Vertical + 15,3 cm
Hungary | 1 Hori- Yes Yes Yes Yes Ground control methods:
zontal Optical the error shoudl not exceed toleran-
3-5 rad.tr. ces given in instructions (e.g. for
Verti- triangulation of lower order, iraver-
cal sing, etc.)
4-6 rm + -
I: m *m == 0,1] mn on the scale of
Xx -y map
— Iran 1 4 Yes No Yes Yes Horizontal = 0,2 mm 0t)
5 mm in Vertical + 0,3% H
1/4 +
br Italy 1 5-6 Yes No Yes Yes m =m = ]1,5m
30-40 A 4 1,0 m
| for 2 79
it 1225004
e 2 1 Varies| Yes No Yes Yes Various according to scale, type of
work, purpose.
ss Ivory
: Const 3 Te same as The French Nationel Geographical Institute .
Japan 1 1 for | Yes No Yes Yes 1:2500-5000
Laos n AT horizontal -0,2m
levation *
ni vertical -0,2m
LOCH 1:25 000
horizontal - 1,0m
vertical . +0,3m
Malaya l 5 Yes No Yes Yes Horizontal = 0,1 mm n)
Enoodo- Vertical 1/10 of the contour interval
and le-
or of Morocco | 1 5 Yes No No Yes > 40 em in open country
4 , + 15 em in settlements
€ polygon.
^ when sl so Level Ling