Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Ground Control Points 
Country | Or Hel 5.218 5.21b 5.21c 5.22 5.23 
15 || 2 ho- | Yes No No Yes | 1%/000° 359 order 
rise nd 
M verti 1/10000 2 ‘ order 
16] 2 ho- | Yes No No Yes M l : 480 - 2 400 
| riz. and order 1/10 000 
A Yer. L, 1 : 8 700 and smaller 
| 3rd order 1/5 000 
Union of| 1 Usually No No Stereo- | Yes Basic control 
Soviet 4 triangu- my = + 0,1 mm at.) 
Soc Reno for lation MT 
med . E 1/12-1/A0 cont.l.int. 
scales 1 
AT ¢ 10 000 and smaller: 
m = 
X33. - ^ 
mount. - O,50 mm 
larger than 1:10 OCO 
st de i, 
gnd- ih. 20,560 
altim.error -0,7 map Allowance 
Uruguay | 1 5-6 Yes No Yes Yes Basic control T C,20 mm 
Yugosla-| 1 5 Yes No Yes Yes Vertical irt 
vis Zxoep- | 5% 5% 1 000 2 000 2500 25 O00 
tional- 10 O0C 
ly 3 
0,1 0,2 0,25 0,5 

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