Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Table 5.2 Survey of gross errors and their causes in the International Photogrammetric Experiment Pecny 1966-1968, 
Negative scale Number of points with gross errors 
Model geod. coord. in-| excl, by | photogramm, coord. | excl, accord, to 
corr, punched particip. | incorr. punched spec. criteria 
1:3 500 
1845/46 0 33 49 156 
1846/47 0 35 22 203 
1:6 000 
1828/29 63 69 31 148 
1829/30 58 56 29 80 
1:12 000 
1819/21 116 43 76 92 
1821/23 58 44 35 160 
- 295 280 242 839 
6,0 Basic Ideas. 
Negative scale 1:3 500, model 
unit standard error of z in a model, 
1845/46 -50 cm 
1846/47 -100 " 
1828/29 -100 " 
1829/30 -200 " 
1819/21 -200 " 
1821/93 -300 " 
The real errors are indicated in section 2, 
In the report of the Experiment Reichenbach 1962-1964 we stated: 
The special criteria for excluding gross errors was formulated in this way. If one of the three coordinate errors x, y, 
z exceeded the limits given below, the point was excluded from the Experiment, 
The error concept was discussed in section 1. We consider the geodetic coordinates to be.correct, without error. 
"So it seems hardly possibly to state that in good every -day international stereoplotting there will be practically 
significant differences of error caused by instrument, orientation, operator and measurement, " 
Because of that we do not study these sources of error in the Experiment Pecny”, Our interest will be concentrated 
upon thee qus 
constant errors, normal distribution, homogeneous variance, correlation, the error of margin 
points compared with the error of inner points of a model and the proportions of standard errors, expressed in the 
« i ch. 

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