Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

6.1 Basic data for comparison points 
For every comparison point of model 1 and model 2 we calculated the following data within the group of all mea- 
2 22 
sured models 1 and 2 respectively. The sums of x, y, Z, X , y , Z , Xy, Xz, yz, [x], Ivy] |z| and counted the 
number of terms in each sum. 
For every model 1 and 2 respectively we calculated the corresponding sums within the group of all comparison points 
of each model. 
These two series of data will not be published here, They are filed within Lantmáteristyrelsens mátningstekniska av - 
delning, box 16331, 103 26 Stockholm 16, on a magnetic tape but also on a typewritten copy. 
These data were used for the calcultation of the following series of data, which were grouped for points and models 
Lx/n=x, resp. y, z; Elx|/m= a, resp. a a 
2 2 2 2 2 2 
Üx /m=s ,resp.s, ss, ST 4$ =p, S" -$9 . 43 E 
X Z X y X y Z 
correlation coefficientsr ,r ,r and partial correlation coefficients r ; om 2 
Xy XZ yz Xy: Z XZ* y yz: X 
2 2 2 2 
]n s ,An-s , 1n-s up . (natural logarithm) 
X y Zz 
^, - 2 T = 
ZX x) ss resp. es DT 
X y Z 
correlation coefficients r-- , r-- , r-- , and partial correlation coeffcients 
Xy Xz yz 
f-- - --- ,r-- 
Xy'Z XZ*y yz-x 
2 2 2 -2 
In s- , in s- ; ans , Itn 
X y Z 
The number of terms or degrees of freedom were counted. These data will not be published. They are filed as were 
the previous ones, We will only present some of these data in 
Table 6.11 Basic data and proportions, 
Table 6.12 Standard Deviation of Comparison Points and Proportion between Min., Mean and Max. Standard 
Table 6.13 Proportions of Standard Deviations Expressed in the Unit s 
— Z 

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