Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

- 91 - 
Ad 6.31 The AT accuracy is checked by means 
of surplus geodetic points. Accuracy 
of the map original is checked by ms 
points, which are abtained by photo- In t 
grammetric densening of pass point pags 
net. Besides this is each stereopair 
checked by check plotting by the chief 
operator, who checks orientation on 
the pass points and control points | 
and compares his own results with the 
operator’s. When more than 5% of 
checked points almost reach the allo- 
wances, the whole plotting is done 
once more. 
Ad 6.33 Variants a), b), c) are determined 
according to the user’s demand. Maxi- 
mal vertical differences of the points 
on the map from those determined by 
AT on the map 1:10 000 and 1:25 000. Of t 
Country Inter- Allowance gina 
type val . 1:10000 1:259) 
flat 2, 5m O,4m O, 5m 
Billy 5,0m - 1,0m 
mountains 5,0m - 2,0m e 
mountains 10, Om - 3, Om 

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