Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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Ad 6.34 
Checking Index Ma f Max. Country In- Max .. 
o k devi S 
"qmm evia-- Use her-|deviation|- 
by means tion val |:1:10000 
; and 
, Accuracy : ; 1:25000:. 
>ked by ‘ 
by photo- In the | Max.differ. over | 70 |H:2800 flat 2,5: |.H:2800.... 
js point plotting| between values | 10000| 100 |H:4000 hilly 5,0 | H:3000 
machine of. the points and : mount. 5,01; H:2500 
3tereopair on the terrain mo- : : 
X the chief base and those re 
J interpolated ander] 70 |H:3200 
,ation on 10000] 100 |H:4500 
. points | end 
,S with the | re 
o . : ; 
55 of Max. differ. 70 | H:2000 flat 2,5 2800 
1 the allo- between contour 100 H:3000 - billy [5,0 3000 
; lines on the and mount. 5,0 2500 
is done edges of neigh- mo- 
bouring stereo- re 
,ermined Max. differ.in 
jand. Maxi- the situation 
: of cont.lines 
'" the points of identical 
mined by value 
1:25 000. Of the Max.differ. flat D l,2m 
map ori- | between control hilly 5,0 | 2,47 
ginals points and those mount. 540 4,0m 
4 lowance interpolated high 
OO 1:2500 mount. {10,0 |i8,0m 
The same in 
In O, 5m forest ; flat 25 2 , Dm 
hilly 5,0 | 4,0m 
1,08 mount. 5.0 5,0m 
2,0m bus ; ; 
3, Om 

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