Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Country | Orgd] 7. Publications 8. Problems Being 9. Subjects to 
solved griteria pesign Country 
mm Im niei mm 
Austria | 1 Not published yet - _ England 
Belgium | 1 Not published - - 
Brazil | 1 Fundamental criteria in all - France | 
"Normas Técnicas",publ. by 
Diretoria do Servigo Ceogrä- 
fico. It is possible to ma- | German 
ke them more strict when de- Fed. 
sired. ) Republici— 
Bulgaria Instructions for production - - 
l| of maps and plans of middle 
and large scales. Publ. by 
| a UG K - phot. 
Burra l Il Instructions Accuracy by experimental - 
plottings for different 
country types. 
Cambodge| 1 “Instructions” for each Aerial photography. Nume- Photography and plot- 
kind of work rical plotting. ting is carried out 
by A MS (USA), there- S 
| fore our information German ] 
| is not complete, Dem. 
| | |Republic 
Canada 1 Internal instructions - - 
Chana 1 
Czecho- Instructions for produc- Problems conoerning plot- Utilization of aerial — 
glovalkial 1 tion and sale of aerial ting of urban areas. Tech~ | colour photography Hungary | 1 
photographs. Technical=- nology of aerial colour in photogrammetry. 
~geonomical reps asccura- photography. AAT in blocks. | Problems of adjacency 
cy criteria. effects. Analytical 
plotting of urban areas 
MU snas WL em A5 Mía i 22i i 
Denmark | 1 "Manual for photogrammetric - : - 
production of cadastral Iran 1 
apa” publ.by the Dariish 
‘ Cadastral office. 
"Manual for mapping and pro- Italy } 
filing by means of photo- 
grammetry". I 
Manuel for roadplanning by : 2 
means of computers" publ.by 
Regnecentralen I,td.,Copen- 

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