Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

termination by AT. 
Org.| 7. Publications 8. Problems Being Se Subjects to ny" 
Country | No. Solved Criteria Design Country 
— — ER 
Ivory l French instructions publis-| Technical equipment (we Methods and tolerances 
Coast hed in "Manuel de Photogran+ suppose two instruments are taken from the 
métrie" /French National of the 18* order for French National Geogra. 
Geographical Institute,. large scales), organiza- phical Institute. 
tion of plotting group 
and field groups (prepa- 
ration of plotting, com- 
pletion of originals). 
Japan 1 Internal instructions - - Rhodesia 
Malaya 1 Internal instructions a - 
Morocco | l Instructions in prepara- Numerical plotting of AAT in blocks 
tions urban areas 
Nether- | 1 > - - 
Pakistan; 1 Instructions - e 
pines 1 Land Circular No.158 Tolerances for orienta- Number of observations Spain 
(Bureau of Lands) tion and aerial triangu- for y-parallax, cente- 
lation ring on point etc. 
Kind of plotting in- 
strument (whether Sweden 
optical ‚mechanical or 
analytical) : 
Poland 1 Instructions = Signalling influence 
on accuracy. Influence 
of contrast differences 
on accuracy of plotting 
on large scales. Crite- 
ria of accuracy of 
Portugal] 1 Internal instructions We produce cadastral maps Stability of material 
1:2000 and 1:5000. and technology. 
2 Internal instructions X,ÿ and z - coordinates de- - 

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