Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

EEE ——, 
acts to ame | 
oria Design Country oed 7. Publications 8. Problems Being 9. Subjects to 
222 LEE No. Solved Criteria Design 
and tolerances 
in from the 3 Internal instructions We produce maps 1:1000 to Personal errors of 
lational Geogra- 1:250 000. Cartographic operators, stability 
Institute, problems in cadaster road | of materials, plotting 
maps, maps for pedology, methods, reduction of 
forestry, geology, maps of | field work. 
- Rhodesia! 1 - We have no problems Survey cameras should 
i be calibrated on eight 
TS semi-axises. 
— ] | Roumanie] 1 National instructions re- in 1967 - establishing of In tolerances esta- 
locks garding to the basic topo- {limits of stereocoumpilation | blishment we consider 
graphical map on the sca- method for country with in-| to stress the practi- 
les 1:5000 - 1:10 OOC. clination below 6°. cal results obtained 
by different instru. 
> ments and not only 
theoretical considera- 
tions. The latter 
should be used just 
D for checking of the 
practical results. 
f observations | |Spain Y Not published Study of tolerances for Test-field work. 
rallax, cente- governmental orders. 
point etc. 
plotting in- 
; (whether Sweden 1 Preliminary "Specifica- Checking of image distor- Specification for the 
mechanical or tions for mapping for sion, image quality, different fundamental 
al) || town and city-planning" checking of instrumental operations, image, 
quality. equipment, orientations 
ng influence 
acy. Influence 
ast differences 
acy of plotting 
, scales. Crite- 
ccuracy of 
y of material 
and measurement. Syste- 
matic errors must be 
specified theoretical- 
ly and practically. 
| Survey ordinance (1920) 
Rules for urban plans ( 
and Land Survey Board. 
publoby the Swedish Cadastral 
We wait for the results of 
the Experiment "Pecny 
1966-1968". Then we shall 
slaborate à proposal for 
& new Swedish Survey 
Modern statistical 
methods, based on a 
thorough study of the 
real sources of errors. 
Error distribution 
could be studied by 
means of Markow proces- 
ses and data simula- 

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