Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

2» Photographic Materials. 
2.1la What percentage of all materials used are plates? 
to 25 € 12 Don't use plates 35 
to 50% 1 Not answered 7 
io 75 X  .} 
to 100% — 7 
2.11b What percentage of all materials is film? 
: to 25 X 4 Don't use film 3 
| to 50 X 2 Not answered 7 
to 75% 
to 100 X 45 
2.12 Are there fixed tolerances for resolving power? 
Yes 12 Not answered 6 
No 45 
2.13 Are there fixed tolerances for film shrinkage? 
Yes 14 Not answered 8 
! No 41 
2.14 Are there fixed tolerances for differential film shrinkage? 
Yes 14 Not answered 11 
Mo 38 
2.15 Are there fixed tolerances for local deformation? 
Yes 8 Not answered 7 
No 48 
o2la Are diapositives produced for all photogrammetric tasks? 
Yes 33 Not answered 2 

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