Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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T. In what publications or instructions are the tolerances quoted above published? 
Instructions are published at 30 organizations. 
Instructions are not published at 33 organizations. 
8. What problems are being solved in Your country? 
28 organizations answered. 
35 organizations did not answer. 
Improvement of techniques in obtaining and utilizing airborne control. 
0 Iuprovement of quality of aerial photography and its checking. Aerial colour 
photography. Plotting instruments, topographical mapping in various types of 
terrain with various inclination, plotting of urban areas, determination of 
pass points coordinates by AAT in blocks. Dependence of height of flight on 
contour interval, influence of vertical accuracy of pass points upon altimetric 
accuracy of the map. Influence of materials, instruments and operators upon 
the photogrammetric accuracy. Problem of partial and final accuracy criteria 
for large scale maps and problems concerning checking of the map e 
9. Which other subjects for criteria design do You consider to be important? 
30 organizations answered 
4 33 organizations did not answer. 
Research of black-and white as well as colour photographic materials, 
their dimensional stability, improvement of sensitivity. Influence of signa- 
lization, improvement of contrast and way of photography upon accuracy of 
photogrammetry. Research of random and systematic arrors by means of modern 
statistical methods. Research of accuracy criteria of maps on large and medium 
scales and their experimental verification on the photogrammetric test field, 
Problem of proper relation between necessary accuracy and economy and the 
problem of scientifically justified user's requirements upon accuracy of maps 
and plans. 

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