Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

- 2 . 
Emphasis is laid upon forced coherence; in each phase of the Survey there should A. 
be contact between the specialists, and conclusions should be compared. In the 
later phases results should be analysed, studied and conclusions used for develop- 
ment planning and for other projects. 
It is not the purpose of the working group to give an opinion about the co-opera- 
tion of the different members of the team of resources surveyors, but to study the 
position of the photogrammetrist in the team or his collaboration with the team. 
As a first step in this study we thought it appropriate to know first what the 
different disciplines require. We therefore designed a questionnaire (see appen- 
dix). The answers to this questionnaire are very useful to the photogrammetrist, 
and also, we think, to the resources surveyors. They are more or less forced to 
make up their mind and may, from the questions put to them and from the answers 
of other specialists, obtain ideas for practical use of the products of the map- 
maker, e an 
Discussion of the results 
For an investigation of the previously mentioned requirements a questionnaire 
was made, having the following three groups of questions: 
- questions dealing with aerial photographs 
—- questions dealing with base-maps 
— questions dealing with phases and scales of surveys 
It was necessary to include this last group of questions and even to start with 
them, because requirements for a very small-scale general survey oan differ from 
those for detailed surveys. 
A list of all questions is added as an appendix to this paper. 
Up till now 16 experts (of which the majority staff-members of I.T.C.) with ex- 
perience in development projects have been asked to give their answers to the 
above questions. These 16 experts were representatives of the following disci- | : 
| A 
plines: eo | - 
geology (3), geomorphology (2), soil science (5), agriculture (1), civil engin- 
eering (2), non-western sociology (2) and agricultural economy (1). 
This number of experts and the number of different disciplines is of course far 
too small for it to be possible to regard the investigation into the require- 
ments for aerial photographs, photo-mosaics and base-maps as complete. All ex- 
perts interviewed had experience in practical surveys in several countries of 
the world. We shall certainly continue the investigation in the near future. 
Nevertheless, we think it interesting to mention the results of the answers 
obtained so far, to see which questions obtained uniform answers, and to note on 
which questions there exists a great difference of opinion amongst the experts 
questioned, In the discussion of the results we follow the sequence as it exists 
in the questionnaire, i.e, 
A, Phases and scales 
B. Aerial photographs 
C. Base-maps

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