Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Fig. 24 - Ellipse of Errors and Pedal Curve in Case of 
Oblique Photography 
2 2 
© since + m, cos Q (22) 
= m° cos’q + m ^sin Q (23) 
For each case, the theoretically expected standard devia- 
tions in X, Y, and Z were determined. A full account of the 
results are to be given in a publication currently in prepara- 
tion (Karara et al, expected 1968). A summary of the results is 
given in Table IV, and is partially shown in Fig. 27,28, and 29. 
Estimates for the standard error of parallax measurements 
(m), and that of pointing (m,) were experimentally determined 

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