Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

significantly higher than those attainable by the 
conventio:al system based on the ''normal case'' 
Stercometric camera. 
With proper design of the data acquisition system, 
the order of precision aimed for (precision of + 6.1 mi 
in X. Y, and Z) is well within reach, (Refer to 
cases #15,16,1/,18, 19) using the basic metrícal 
chambers of the ZEISS SMK stereometric camera. 
It is logical to expect that with larger scale of 
photography higher precision could be reached using 
a modified SMK metrical chamber ( modified for 
closer focussing) or any metrical camera of equal 
or superior qualities. 
3.9. Further Investigations Planned 
After completing the current experiment as outlined in 
Section 3.7., the investigation is planned to extend to cover 
the areas listed below. 
3.9.1. Targets 
In order to increase the accuracy of observations, various 
types, shapes and sizes of targets will be investigated. One 
of the possibilities currently under consideration is the 
sticker-target developed by Keuffel and Esser Company of Hoboken, 
N.J. C Fig. 31) which is readily adaptable to a wide range of 
photo scales. 

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