Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

ABSIraCh ee aa eee nn 1 
le Introduction «----------eeeeeerr eene ee mEmmeme enCeen A LOU 0 1 
2. 1.1.5. New Sieren-Coamors ===-ccorecunsssivoannoeicinciuee.... 3 
2:1.: Characteristics of the Camera 2-2 cael aluulud Abustana 3 
2.2. Technical Data of the Camera ==sses-scanooninncononn seas 3 
2.3. Detalls’of Mechunismiseme-tigui. vas dumnad voiolu do ous 4 
2.4. Accuracy of the 1.1.5. New Stereo-Camera -------------- 8 
2/44. Accurocy of Measurementi-------- urere mr - 8 
2.4.2. Measurement of Distortion, Curvature of the 
Field and Astigmatiom ------- eere rl. ale doe -79 
2.4.3. Measurement of Resolving Power of 
Photography.--2--.--0.24- llle e el- lacu dua — 10 
3. Some Examples of Actual Use of the I.I.S. New 
Sterco-Comera s--ccoc- ose orc Le rare 11 
3.1. Measurement of Automobile Tire Deformation 
during in Motion + ruht ae - 11 
3.1.1. "Experiment Installation “=- salsa oni ol ihe a 11 
3.1.2. Technical Subjects for Measurement ------....-.. - 12 
11} >Typelo! Test Tire EC OL Le zo 12 
(2) Experimental Items for Measurement ---------. 13 
S: LS. Results'of Measurements c----e----eee mre rr rene 18 
(1) Deformation of Tire during 
Free Rolling ^------0--- erret rrr 18 
(2) Deformation of Tire during 
Braking -c--7---meetu errore erm 18 
(3) Deformation of Tire during 
Cornering 5-42... LS Leer 19 
3.2. Plastic Buckling Test of Wide Flange Section -----------.-- 26 
3.2.1. Introduction ----- e cce Ll Lu uiu Dee eV dla adu au 26 
3.2.2. Experiment Installotion -4----------ce meer ce nne - 27 
3.2.3. Results of Measurement -=-.-->-".hccuheL 4h. = 27 
4. Accuracy of Measurement +----#>-#>enhca1 luu dacs = 35 
4.1. Accuracy of Measurement in Free Rolling 
of Tires Le = 35 
4.2. Orientation Accuracy of the Compressed 
Wide Flange ~~ ~wme onic do weal cin bu sh whi Sin, 36 
5. Observation of the Results and Recommendation ---------....---. 37 
5.1. Observation on the Results of Measurement 
Of Moving Titres -+-->>.00"12 047 0n ame Fa dun nan ARR Se - 37 
5.2. Observation on the Measurement of Deformation 
of the Wide Flango ---4- Lee c ponere eeu lusum: 39 
Acknowledgement---#..---.-.-----.."-2=H. LVL... oi 39 

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