Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Two lenses at the end of a base with a length of 300 mm are fixed in a box type 
camera made from cast iron. Photographing is performed by the automatic cycle 
of operation with a time interval of 1 or 2 seconds and single shot photography is 
capable under appropriate conditions. Some practical examples using this new 
stereo-camera are presented in the latter half of this paper. The objects shown 
in the examples were considered to be impossible or very difficult for precise 
measurement by using the conventional method. The authors believe that these 
studies, which have made it possible for precise measurement of objects in motion, 
have developed a new approach for analyzing changing phenomena. This new appli- ¢ 9 
cation of the stereo-camera as proposed by the authors is unpr ecedented in this 
country, with which objects in motion, sometimes at high speed, are photographed 
from close range with a high degree of accuracy. Photogrammetry provides an 
alternative method which is less laborious and is superior to the classical method 
in the following respects: 
(1) Conditions of objects in motion, even at à high speed, can be reproduced 
at any subsequent time by the use of instruments. Accordingly, if need be, 
the results of plotting and measurement can be checked at any time later and 
additional measurements can be done at will. These results can be represented 
exactly by numerical and graphical methods. This technique of reproduction 9 
cannot be replaced by any other conventional method. 
(2) A uniform degree of accuracy is ensured in the measurements over the 
entire surface of the objects in motion, regardless of the complexities and 
high speed and a considerable amount of time can be saved compared with 
the conventional method. 
(3) Photogrammetr y is a remote-operation procedure and hence the measure- 
ment is highly valuable for the objects in which manual contact must be 
avoided and, the conditions in objects are maintained without pres enting 
troublesome effects. 

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