Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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to the piston head. Shaft (V) is provided for shutter charging and is driven by shaft 
(I). One full turn of this shaft (I) charges both shutters by rotating the crank disc 
fixed on this shaft through slide (16), rack (17) and charge ring (18). Referring to 
the upper figure of Fig.l, the pin wheel (11) drives another shaft (VI) on which the 
cam (19) is fixed. On the cam disc, the pin (21) fixed on the level (20) falls in the 
gap at each end of the motion. Then the level (22) moves to the direction of the 
arrow and the push roller (24), maves to the opposite direction of the level (22), 
By the motion of these rollers (24), the piston loses its pushing force and retreats 
with the force of the loaded sheet String. The numerous small holes at the grid 
points on the piston head causes the film to be sucked against the grid plate. 
The solenoid (25) is operated by the current indicated by the timing motor (M2). 
The bell crank (26) pulls the connecting bar and rotates the release rings (27) and 
releases the shutters. The X-Connection terminal is attached to the top of the 
camera for electronic flash photography. 
The control cycle and the adjustment of the time interval for the photography 
mentioned above is operated with the Timing Motor (M, ) and the cam, which is 
connected with the other shaft, directly drives the micro-switch. These circuits 
are shown in Fig.3. In the figure, the control unit which is drawn with a dotted 
line, is located inside the switch board (S). 
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Fig. 3 Circuit figure 
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