Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

3. Some Examples of Actual Use of the I. 1. S,New Stereo-Camera 
Experimental work for the measurement of objects in motion using the I. I. S. 
Stereo- Camera is accomplished. 
The following subjects are introduced: 
(1) measurement of automobile tire deformation in motion. 
(2) measurement of plastic buckling of steel member with wide-flange section 
Discussed here is the purpose of the experiments, method of measurement, 
accuracy obtained by this approach, results and observations on these results, 
3.1 Measurement of Automobile Tire Deformation during in Motion. 
On tracing the shape of troid shell structure like tires in motion and measuring 
the deformation under its load, the numerical data are mainly deduced from the 
experimental approach, because the theoretical procedure contains many difficulty. 
Especially, measurement of deformation in motion which are for determining the 
change in form and shape, and for determing deformation during cornering and 
braking, is impossible even in the experimental approach. The authors have 
camera for measuring the tire deformation and its change in motion. These studies 
for their transient deformation behaviours give us a very important clue for the 
tire designing techniques which are neces sary in developing high performance 
tires in future. 
3.1.1 Experiment Installation 
Fig.9 and Fig.10 show the generàl relation between the tire, the drum machine 
and the stereo-camera at the laboratory. The testing machine consists of a drum 
with a diameter of 1, 59 m (5m in circumference). Outer surface of the steel drum 
is finished smooth. The test tire is Pressed on the drum with its dead weight 
and rotates at any desired 
Speed up to the maximum 
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speed of 320 km/h. | age 
I. L.S. Stereo Camera Drum 
Fig. 9 Plane View of Installation in Fig. 10 Sketch of Photographing 
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