Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

The drum and tire ax 
the tire is running on the drum, 
braking torque alternately. 
angle up to +10 degree 
ment of 
of the tire and on each 
Lim joo G1 
the tlre buss 
the radial lines. (Photo. 5 
specially designed st 
To determine the scale h 
grid is placed in 
15 cm intervals which is used to determine the orientation factor of the A7 Autograph. 
Two nails ham 
The co-ordinates of the surfa 
by the EK3 automatic co-ordinate printer att 
Photo. 5 White Radial Line and Dots 
on the Tire 
void image blur on the film becaus 
is are separately connected to ea 
ee a 15 Diu t s 
rface, white lines are painted in 
radial line, 
orizontally and longitudinally, an accurately 
front of the tire parallel to the ca 
mered on the wooden frame of the 
the co-ordinat 
ch 95kw DC motors and while 
it is possible to apply to the tire either driving or 
Moreover, this machine can set the tire at any slip 
d the moving direction. For easily taking the measure- 
radial directions from the center 
white dots are painted at 10 mm intervals along 
and Photo. 6) 
Photo. 6 General View of Grid 
and Tire 
e of the high ratating speed of the tire, a 
roboscopic flash unit is used for instant illumination. 
mera and this grid is marked at 
grid are us ed for depth checking. 
ce of the tire in motion are measured and recorded 
ached to the plotting instrument. If 
es are typed on tape and can be sent to the computer for 
Technical Subjects for Measurement 
(1) Type of Test Tire. 
Conventional tire: 7:00-13 4PR Rim 5] x13 air pressure |. 7 kg/cm? 
Radial tire: 175 -]4 
Rim 5JX14 air pressure 2.0 kg/cnf* 
- 12 - 

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